Our mission is to provide holistic women’s health physical therapy that is empowering, supportive, and integrated through movement.

We blend embodiment practice within the framework of physical therapy

about jordan

Dr. Jordan Martine

owner + Physical Therapist

Jordan Martine is a North Carolina native. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology from East Carolina University and a Clinical Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Thomas Jefferson University. She is double board-certified as a clinical specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy and Women’s Health Physical Therapy. 

Women’s healthcare is part of Jordan’s lineage as her mother is a Certified Nurse-Midwife. She grew up watching her mother pursue her passion of helping women birth life. While Jordan was still in PT school she knew that she would ultimately pursue women's healthcare to continue the sacred work that has been generationally passed down to her. Jordan’s passion for providing services for lymphedema and oncology patients is a way for her to honor her “second mother” who battled cancer and lymphedema which she ultimately lost her life to when Jordan was in her early 20's. Jordan’s first certification was in lymphedema therapy to give back in her honor. You know the saying "it takes a village" when we talk about raising children. That saying was true for Jordan’s childhood. God placed a village of women around her who helped raise her into the woman she is today. Jordan wants to ensure that every woman out there has the opportunity to uphold other women and children in their community the way that the women in her life showed up for her as a child. 

Personally, she enjoys an active lifestyle with her family that includes practicing yoga, stand-up paddle boarding, hiking with her husband and son, and chasing after her dog Veda!


Our vision is to help women find healing, health, wholeness and freedom, through integrative healing of the mind, body, and spirit through movement allowing them to live an abundant life to their fullest potential.

our values include:

High-Quality Care :

We believe that high-quality care is providing Women’s health care in a 1:1 care model with 1 hour sessions for each patient for evaluation and treatment. We provide trauma-informed care that is uniquely designed for patients to move through at their own pace. We recognize and value the use of evidence-based medicine to create a personalized individual plan of care for patients to help them achieve their goals. 

Embodiment practices within the framework of physical therapy:

The use of physical therapy modalities as an embodiment practice allows the patient to develop a sense of awareness, stay present, self-regulate, feel whole, connected, and ultimately empowered to build out of their pain cycles and/or dysfunction. 

Empowering Women:

We believe in empowering, resourcing, and equipping women with tools to progress towards their personal health and wellness goals. 

Life Team Approach:

We value walking alongside patients as a guide on their health and wellness journey. We help support patients as a member of their life team to address their physical bodies to get them where they want to be! As part of a patient's life team, we will give patients the support they need to heal and keep moving forward in life!

Specialties + advanced Trainings

Dr. Jordan Martine's

view our services

advanced trainings

Women’s health- APTA Board Certified Clinical Specialist 
(Prenatal/Postpartum Support, Pelvic Floor dysfunction including urinary and fecal incontinence, colorectal dysfunction, chronic pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse and other related pelvic floor disorders)

Orthopedics- APTA Board Certified Clinical Specialist 
(McKenzie Method for mechanical diagnosis therapy: parts A-B)

Oncology/Certified Lymphedema Therapist- Leduc Method

Certified Trigger Point Dry Needling therapist 
(Advanced integrative dry needling certification for the pelvis, lumbar, hips, & abdomen)

200-hour registered Yoga Teacher Certification


Pelvic Rehabilitation

Women’s Healthcare
(Prenatal / Postpartum + Menopause Care)

Breast Cancer Survivors
(Lymphedema - prevention and management, Pain, cording and fatigue)

Gynecologic Lymphedema management 

Orthopedic Musculoskeletal Injuries

Manual Therapy